Themes and Key Issues

What can be learnt from the experiences of democratic schools? What difficulties do they face? - The IDEC should help us to clarify successes and to identify and solve problems. We have devised a format and a number of questions which should stimulate all the participants. The following list may be long, but it is only a suggestion ­ it can be made even longer. We encourage sceptics and critics in particular to send us their questions at or use the feedback form.


In this part of the programme we want to go into the relationship between society and democratic education, for example: What do democratic schools expect from the state, and what can they offer it? What are the effects of religion and cultural tradition? How does the transfer into other kinds of education work?


In the structure section the topic is the relationships within democratic schools. How do democratic schools organise their days? What relationship do they have with parents? Who makes what decision? Etc.


We want to give particular attention to the individual student's learning of skills and acquiring of knowledge, and in doing so to take into account discoveries in brain research. What effect does autonomy have on learning? Are students in democratic learning establishments happier? Etc.


There are a few questions and ideas which will not fit unambiguously into the previous three categories. We want to keep space for them too.